Package se.citerus.dddsample.domain.shared

Pattern interfaces and support code for the domain layer.


Interface Summary
DomainEvent<T> A domain event is something that is unique, but does not have a lifecycle.
Entity<T> An entity, as explained in the DDD book.
Specification<T> Specificaiton interface.
ValueObject<T> A value object, as described in the DDD book.

Class Summary
AbstractSpecification<T> Abstract base implementation of composite Specification with default implementations for and, or and not.
AndSpecification<T> AND specification, used to create a new specifcation that is the AND of two other specifications.
DomainObjectUtils Utility code for domain classes.
NotSpecification<T> NOT decorator, used to create a new specifcation that is the inverse (NOT) of the given spec.
OrSpecification<T> OR specification, used to create a new specifcation that is the OR of two other specifications.

Package se.citerus.dddsample.domain.shared Description

Pattern interfaces and support code for the domain layer.

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